Oil and Gas Marine Terminals

Understanding International regulations and World Petroleum Fiscal Systems



In today’s oil & gas industry, the transport of crude and other refined products is predominantly done by large sea carriers. In this respect, the organization and safe & operation of marine terminals is considered of utmost importance for efficient transferring and storing of petrol products at the designated facilities. Professionals in charge of operating and managing of Oil & Gas Marine Terminals are required to have full and updated knowledge of Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) aspects, including mechanical integrity of equipment and safety of operation procedures that are governed by international regulations and standards, ISGOTT, EMA, etc., together with the environmental pollution protection aspects, according to MARPOL Convention.

In this Oil and Gas Marine Terminals training course, the participants coming from companies that operate marine terminals will be provided with the necessary knowledge and updated tools and skills that will enable them to successfully handle various technical and safety issues during terminal operations such as cargo transfer support, including custody transfer, emergency response and vessel berthing support, according to international regulations and standards. This Oil & Gas Technology training course will focus on both managerial and technical aspects of terminal operation that are prerequisite for successful operation of such complex facilities. This Oil and Gas Marine Terminals training course will include several workshops with real problems from the terminal practice which will enable discussions and exchange of experiences.

This ADGETECH Oil and Gas Marine Terminals training course will feature:


By the end of this Oil and Gas Marine Terminals training course, the participants will be able to:


This Oil and Gas Marine Terminals training course will be conducted along workshop principles with formal lectures and interactive worked examples included in several workshops. Presented also will be several illustrative and instructive videos. The emphasis in this training course will be on the explanation of all technical points and providing answers to problems that are encountered in everyday situations related to operation and management of terminal facilities.

Each learning point will be reinforced with practical examples. There will be ample opportunities for active discussion and sharing professional experiences and exchange that will help solidify the gained knowledge. All training course materials will be provided.


Professional management and operation of Oil & Gas marine terminals is vital to the budgetary success of the organization.

The organization will realize:



Day 1

Cargo Properties

Day 2

Storage & Transfer

Day 3

Harbor & Vessels

Day 4

Terminal Management

Day 5

Safety and Risk

Day 6

World Fiscal Systems


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