Media & Public Relations (PR) Training Courses

Media and public relations (PR) training courses will help you acquire crucial skills to advance your knowledge about Public Relations (PR), events management, and CSR initiatives. ADGETECH has proved its reputation in Media & PR teaching and consultancy over three decades of global activity with thousands of delighted customers. We span subjects from organising events to strategy and social media marketing communications. Let our multi-discipline team help with your Media and PR career needs and take your development to a new level.

Media and Public Relations (PR) are strategic management functions which build mutually beneficial relationships between organisations and their public. PR evaluates public attitudes and plans and delivers programmes of action to gain understanding and acceptance of the organisation’s policies and processes. It builds trust, reduces reputational risk, and inspires the communities that matter to your business. Unlike Marketing which generally pays for its media coverage, Media Relations earns media coverage (both digital and traditional) as free editorial. This makes PR cost-effective and gives a high return on investment (ROI).

Attendees of Media & Public Relations (PR) training courses delivered by ADGETECH will gain in-depth knowledge about the roles and responsibilities of PR professionals, enhance their verbal and written communication skills, and get the ability to deal with the media while promoting or branding the organisation.

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